It's thursday morning and it actually feels a little depressing. This week is coming to an end. Time flies as I do nothing out of significance. I've been writing a little though, about my project

in school. It's about nuclear technology and the focal point in this project is Iran's ambitions to become a nuclear energy producer as well as a nuclear fuel producer. I've had a word with some professors from universities and they have provided me with different aspects on this thing.
We all wonder how it's going to end. Especially me, because it's about my country.
I read a funny article today, which I think you should have a look at.
I'm sick and tired of all republicans who agitate and push for a war against Iran. They don't understand that everybody would lose on such thing. Still they claim that they are the chosen ones, and that it is their mission to install democracy wherever they feel like (or wherever there is oil...).
I'm not against demoocracy, so I'm not worried about that. But wtf? Come on! How can states with nuclear weapons threaten a non-nuclear weapon state? That's one thing I'll never understand. In the mean time, Iran has reached the ability to enrich the nuclear fuel all by itself, and that is remarkable in my opinion, taking into consideration that the country has been sanctioned by the US for more than 2 and a half decades.
Well, this is pretty much what my project is about. I've reached 21 pages until now, but I'm not completely finished yet. There's some things I need to include and maybe exclude. And of course, the layout needs some modification.
I'll get back later today. Right now, I need some breakfast and some coffee.
Have a nice day!