I am disgusted and outraged. I feel betrayed. I feel disappointed. I am pissed off. The board of
AIK finally decided to fire
headcoach Rikard Norling, after three seasons in the Swedish premier league.

I am so disappointed right now that it's hard for me to find words. He was contracted until the end of 2011, he was a part of the plan to create peace and calm at
AIK. He was our 7
th coach in ten years. That says everything. He is in my eyes one of Sweden's most talented and ambitious managers, and he did not deserve this kind of treatment. I know that he will find a new club soon, and when he does, I really hope that he gets to prove those who fired him that it was a huge mistake.
AIK's new manager is a hillbilly with no experience of the elite whatsoever. I just want him to fail, and I have never felt like this about my own favorite club before. I know that if he fails, things will go sour for the whole company, but I feel that the club is filled with
inexperienced people with no feeling about football anyhow.

Unprofessional businesspeople who decide what is right and what is wrong on the pitch. Disgusting (once again). It is truly disgusting.
What will happen to the rest of the coaching staff? What will happen to the players that
Rikard brought to
AIK? I am seriously considering to boycott the games once I'm home from my exchange year down here. I know that a lot of fans are doing the same thing, not renewing their season tickets. And then the
board members claim that they made this decision because they wanted to boost the turnover (which in turn is dependant on the
sport related results). I have lost my faith in the current board and I feel run over. The board can forget about my individual support the coming seasons. It hurts and it breaks my heart,
AIK is
my team,
my club. It feels good to know that I am not the only one feeling like this.
Rikard was our man, our coach. He was a true gentleman who always spent time with fans, answering questions, taking photos, signing autographs. He loves the club, and he was forced away. If Mikael
Stahre (the new hillbilly coach) makes
AIK a balanced team that wins titles I will be very surprised. I will in fact shut up and never complain about him again, I will admit that I was wrong. But come on now, we all know that isn't going to happen. He will:
a) make us a mid table team filled with mediocre players from Sweden's lower divisionsb) get us relegatedc) not have the time to make an impact, after three losses in the first three games next season he will be fired anyhow.The
flipside with option c) is that if that happens, we will experience another crisis similar to the one in the beginning of the 2000's.
Rikard was
AIK's 7
th coach in ten years! He was hired to create stability. The only problem is that those who hired him eventually
backstabbed him.
The board is in my opinion filled with ignorant and snobby businesspeople from different corners of the Swedish industries. The fans made it quite clear a few weeks ago that they would not approve on a decision like this, and I thought the board was smart enough to realize that the fans (which form the club to what it is) are important and that it is vital to respect their interests. The
boardmembers have no idea what they are doing. If they think that Mikael
Stahre will ever manage to make this club no 1, they are mistaking. So, that brings me to my (and everyone
else's) questions, WHY DID YOU FIRE