A few days ago I told your about the mediocre blogosphere and the generation (in general) I'm a part of. I tried to focus on the cultural and cognitive shortcomings (surprise surprise!). I see so many funny things each day, and that's one good reason why I still have this blog.
Another valid (in my opinion...) reason is the number of readers. I keep track of all readers and I can basically see where you're all sitting, what OS you have and what browser you use (HA!).
But please don't get this wrong, this is what I want. I want something that is interesting for people, and by judging the number of visitors I can easily conclude that there does exist some kind of interest. Keep coming! I am currently investigating other platforms for my blog and I've already exported the contents of this blog to a test version on another server. I am still not sure if I should complete the move or if I should stay at blogger. It depends on what benefits and disadvantages each platform has respectively.
Today I have chosen to appear before you with the following story:
I was taking a walk with my brother through a neighbourhood close to his old daycare center (which was burnt down by some pyromaniac by the way). This neighbourhood is something average, nothing special but nothing bad either. But each time I walk through it I meet really strange people. A few years ago we were chased out of there because the dickheads wanted to have a sip from my bottle of coke. I told them no and that did not please them. Today I saw some stupid teenagers who barely can afford their own bus tickets. They were hassling a guy with one of these.
Douchebag no 1 went up to the owner and asked him how much he had paid for the car with a very rude tone.
The owner replied quite diplomatically that he had switched his old car for this new one and that he had no clue what the price of his new car was.
Douchebag no 2 steps in and shouts that he wants to buy the car.
Note that this asshole is wearing at least 3 years old sneakers. On top of that he was wearing a jogging suite (these asswipes will probably wear jogging suits on their wedding days and when they lie in their coffins). This son of a bitch was talking as if he could afford that car, and the tragic part is that this moron is not even 18. I would like to see him step into the local BMW dealer's office with those clothe...
They're in their first year of high school. Those of them who actually have cars (some of the cars I've seen: a 16 years old Volkswagen Jetta and an old Peugeot 19 with nasty "pimp my ride" ambitions) are terrible drivers. They drive as if they were "suicide drivers", with a mission to kill as many as possible on the roads. I keep asking myself why.
Now back to the story, the driver (or owner, whatever....) ignores their desperate attempts to play high, and that triggers them off. They started shouting F-words for 10-15 seconds. Both had noticed me and my younger brother before all of this, but they weren't ashamed anyhow. I guess it's amusing in a way to see how these primitive morons embarrass themselves in public. I am usually not someone with a lot of gloat inside, but incidents like this one make me laugh. It's always a blast to see how some people always try to prove something impossible to the world with cocky attitudes, and to see them embarrass themselves by revealing their own ignorance, stupidity and mental poverty.
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