I have always had a strange feeling for cats. I don't really know why, but I have always regarded them as freeloaders. At the same time I have no problem with dogs, I actually like 'em. You can't really compare cats with dogs. Dogs show love, loyalty and friendship. But Cats? I actually lived in a home where there also was a cat. It was the fall of 2006, and I was renting a room in an apartment temporarily while I was looking for my own crib. That fucking piece of shit was the most disgusting and
aggressive asshole I had ever encountered in my life. He loved to piss in the hallway because "he wants to mark his territory". He was too miserable to take a dump where he was supposed to do it, in a fucking box. This wasn't some kitten, the son of a bitch was more than a year old! Note that the owner was cool with this. She didn't clean up after him, maybe if I would hint that it smelled like fuck in the apartment and that some friends of mine were coming over for a beer. Otherwise she wouldn't really bother.
I spent yesterday with a close friend of mine and we were hanging around for a while before we finally decided to go to his place.

Surprisingly, the guy had just bought 2 kittens.

A boy and a girl. Not siblings, just very good friends. The boy (the grey one) would start whining if the girl was "taken" away from him. If we went to another room and brought the girl he would start making a hell of a noise. That's really sweet.
I was surprised to see that they, despite their low age (only a month old I think) were so tidy and clean. They knew what they could do and should not do. They knew where to do what they should do and where not to (this is a peek to the fuckhead I mentioned earlier in this post). These cats did show loyalty and friendship!
So I guess my idea of cats in general has changed, I was
overproven. I now regard cats as animals and not freeloaders.
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