I called the embassy yesterday and obviously things tend to happen much smoother when diplomacy and threats are involved. It didn't take long before I got a phonecall and an offer to move to another room. Unfortunately I can't have it before 5th of October, so I'll have to share a three-room apartment with 2 other students that I haven't met yet.
The whole process has been a long wait and completely unnecessary. If I would have known last Friday that they would bitch with me like this for a whole week I would have called the embassy right away. When I think of my conditions in Linköping (and all other students as well for that matter) I realize that it is very good. On some levels not even comparable with this.
Still, I'm here for the action and not the glamor. We went out last night and I got home 3.30 AM. I had four hours of sleep before I had to get up in order to make the last arrangements before my move to Julius Raab Heim.
I am leaving this:
for this:
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