There was a Caribbean party at one of the cafés at campus last night. They served exotic drinks (without alcohol for men, with alcohol for women) and played some kind of undefinable Caribbean music.
The place was pretty packed but not overcrowded, for that I am grateful. We had a few drinks and then we left.
Deadline yesterday, a case was handed in and hopefully it went well. My short test from last week did on the other hand not turn out to be a success, but I wasn't surprised to tell the truth. I didn't even know about the damn test so I wasn't prepared. I'll have to make up for that by performing exceptionally well in other fields of that course. Just watch me.
I'm currently reading a text about government trade relations and how specific decisions made by governments can affect markets, companies and consumers. This is interesting shit.
Later on I need to go to the city for some minor errands. I need new headphones, Sony's preferably. My current ones died on me the minute I started running on the treadmill yesterday. That was a huge blow!!
Champions League is running on and Inter won over the Cypriot team Anorthosis Famagusta (don't ask me what the hell it means). Adriano "l'imperatore" scored the only goal of that game and we are hopefully set for the playoffs by now.
I need to get back to the books, I is a lot of reading to do.
Thank you for reading.
Det verkar som du har haft dina duster om boendet. Jag fick inte riktigt fram om det hade löst sig eller inte. Kul läsning, jag kan verkligen se dig framför mig full av aggressivitet som du försöker hålla tillbaka. Go get em!
ReplyDeleteHaha, det har inte löst sig ännu, jag har inlett en "lawsuit" mot de som har lurat mig. Juridiskt har jag lite kött på benen vid det här laget :P. Pengarna som jag gått miste om är förmodligen förlorade, men det gäller att stå på sig och inte låta bedragare komma undan.
ReplyDeleteJag försöker att inte bry mig om det, jag vill ha kul härnere! Just nu delar jag en tvåa med två colombianer. Det blir många roliga historier nästa gång vi möts, det lovar jag :).