Monday, December 8, 2008

Sunday night/Monday morning

Feel my anger, understand my frustration, sense my fury. The zoo is back in town and they brought all the other monkeys from their tree to our apartment. So far so good. But when strangers start running in and out of the apartment it is not OK. They are using our fridge, no harm done. But it pisses me off when they move my stuff (and not the stuff belonging to the monkeys that I share this place with) in order to fit their cheap beers in there. And it is absolutely not OK to spill beer on my tomatoes. Shoot me. Please.

There's this girl running in and out, and she is pretty vane I guess. She has a reputation of being lighthearted, if you know what I mean. Every guy I have talked to has revealed his desire to engage in various types of intercourses with that girl. Why the fuck is she running around here? I've already threatened her and her friends to throw them out (during an afterparty on a Tuesday night, see earlier posts from October). I don't want to be unfriendly and especially not to a lady.

Anyhow, it's a little more than a week of this left. Then I'm going home. This is the longest time I've been away from home, and it feels surreal that three months have passed already. Returning here won't be dramatic, I already feel determined about the last six months of this adventure. The best part is that the zoo will go on tour elsewhere. Amen for that.

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