Friday, March 23, 2007

Where are we going?

Lately, and I'm mainly talking about the last few years, I've sensed something new. Something I thought merely existed in films. Racism and xenophobia became something I heard or saw everyday. Sometimes it even managed to scare me. Now it's just disgusting me.

I came across this clip on YouTube. Unfortunately it's in Swedish so never mind watching it if you don't speak Swedish.

This is actually just a small part of the problematic situation today. Nevertheless, many right extremists win votes by using recent civil riots caused by people from other countries as excuses for their party's existence. They use it as a fulcrum, and it's depressing and deplorable to see how people fall for it.

1 comment:

  1. fan, det är ju helt jävla sjukt.
    jag blir så ledsen när jag ser det där.
