Sunday, May 6, 2007


Yesterday was supposed to be a great day to remember. One of those days you look back at in the future and remember with joy.
Disappointment, high expectations, anti-climax and a great deal of bad luck. That's my Saturday in a nutshell.

It began with preparations for the annual ELINpiad games where me and some friens from the board were participating. We were all dressed in an olympic theme. There were hundreds of students there with funny clothes, and some great music was being played by a DJ. That's when it happened. I had just entered the first heat of the competition when I tripped, fell from 1-2 metres and landed on my shoulder. BANG. I tried to get up because I couldn't feel any pain. I was ahead of my competitor and I was determined not to lose. That's when I realized that something was very wrong inside my arm. I couldn't get up and I felt a massive pain stretching from my neck down to my fingertops. My friends helped me out of the maze and got me on a chair. It didn't take long for me to realize that I had to visit the hospital. I don't remember much from the transport, only that I was in great pain and there was absolutely nothing I could do to relieve it. After several shots, liquid pain killers, X-rays and anesthetic (which led to a black hole in my memory) it became evident to the doctors that my right arm was dislocated. It's a nasty experience, and it's harder to deal with because I'm right handed. I am typing this post with my left hand only.

I had really high hopes for yesterday. We were going to a party in the evening with dinner and lots of funny activities. I had chosen my suit, my shirt and my tie. I had put the suit on my bed and I was really looking forward for that party.

Yesterday was a great contrast to how I had it exactly one year back in time. I was to perform my first show with the theater and it was a mighty experience, to finally perform what I had been practising for the prior 8-9 months. Some of my closest friends attended the show and we went out for a drink afterwards. I still remember how they laughed the first time I entered the stage...

Yesterday (again, I know...) was to be something just like last year's 5th of May. Something special.

I am really down right now.

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